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Ingår i Web of Science Core Collection. Arts & Humanities Fulltext This link opens in a new window. This opens a pop-up window to share the URL for this database. Fulltextdatabas för vetenskapligt granskade tidskrifter samt utvalda titlar inom konst, användarnamn: lösenord (case …

Fulltextdatabas för vetenskapligt granskade tidskrifter samt utvalda titlar inom konst, användarnamn: lösenord (case … Du som inte är student eller forskare/anställd på Uppsala universitet har för tillfället endast tillgång till Carolina Rediviva. Läs mer om öppettider, kurser, service på distans, forskarstöd och återlämning av böcker med mera. Search for researchers in Web of Science Vår forskning och utbildning ska långsiktigt göra skillnad i samhället. Med all vår bredd och styrka ska vi stödja en hållbar utveckling, samverka med det omgivande samhället och verka för öppenhet och respekt. Web of Science. The Web of Science. (previously ISI Web of Knowledge) platform brings together many different types of content for searching - journal articles, patents, websites, conference proceedings, and Open Access material..

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E-post: AGRICOLA National Ingår i Web of Science Core Collection. Arts & Humanities Kontakta för att få åtkomst. Uppsala universitet Telefon: 018-471 00 00 Box 256, 751 05 Uppsala.

Best database for finding what papers have cited  Web of Science | Harvard Library The most widely known indicator for journals is the Journal Impact Factor (IF) based on registered publications in Web of Science.


It is a citation index, showing you how many times and by who journal articles have been  Web of Science is een multidisciplinair zoeksysteem voor artikelen. Het is ook een citatie-index, u kunt zien hoe vaak en door wie artikelen geciteerd zijn. E-post: AGRICOLA National Ingår i Web of Science Core Collection.

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Web API. Stockholm Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction. New York: UCDP[2].

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For many articles WoS contains the references given by the authors, as well as the citations of that particular article by other authors. För att läsa innehållet på denna sida måste du markera texten du vill ha uppläst och sedan klicka på symbolen som dyker upp bredvid muspekaren. Web of Science is not only a search engine, it is also a citation index. You can search for all articles that are cited in that article, or that cite a particular author or source. You can also find out how often and by whom your own articles are cited. A commonly known tool is the H-index.

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For many articles WoS contains the references given by the authors, as well as the citations of that particular article by other authors. Ga naar Web of Science. Beschrijving In het Web of Science van Clarivate Analytics wordt verwezen naar internationale tijdschriftartikelen uit alle wetenschapsgebieden. Opgenomen zijn de gegevens van acht citatie-indexen: - Science Citation Index Expanded - Social Sciences Citation Index - Arts and Humanities Citation Index 2020-11-05 · Web of Science also provides a special Author Search to search for all publications by a single author. The search is a multi-step process to ensure the correct author is selected (especially when an author may have a common name). First, select "Core Collection" from the 'Select a database' drop-down menu above the search box. Web of Science, Academic Search Complete, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, and Semantic Scholar cover a broad range of subjects including sciences, social sciences, and humanities; PubMedCentral contains biomedical journal articles; PsycInfo covers behavioral and psychological literature.
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Web of Science - Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht - Universiteit Utrecht Jorian did his B.Sc in Biology and his M.Sc in Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences at the Utrecht University. He has previous been a student in the Boxem group doing research on the isoforms of PAR-3 and PAR-6 in C. elegans epithelia. For a second intershipt he went to the Lab of David Bilder at University of California Berkeley and Web of Science does not contain CAS Registry Numbers, so we have to use the common name(s) of our desired analyte: bisphenol-a OR bpa.

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Ingår i Web of Science Core Collection. Arts & Humanities Fulltext This link opens in a new window. This opens a pop-up window to share the URL for this database. Fulltextdatabas för vetenskapligt granskade tidskrifter samt utvalda titlar inom konst, användarnamn: lösenord (case …

Web of Science is not only a search engine, it is also a citation index. You can search for all articles that are cited in that article, or that cite a particular author or source. You can also find out how often and by whom your own articles are cited. A commonly known tool is the H-index. It is also possible to receive an alert if someone cites your article. The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all; Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

Web of Science, Academic Search Complete, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, and Semantic Scholar cover a broad range of subjects including sciences, social sciences, and humanities; PubMedCentral contains biomedical journal articles; PsycInfo covers behavioral and psychological literature. Many publishers' websites also offer cited reference

A commonly known tool is the H-index. It is also possible to receive an alert if someone cites your article. The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all; Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. We live out these Principles within a “living tradition” of wisdom and spirituality, drawn from sources as diverse as science, poetry, scripture, and personal experience: Direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces which create and Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. Sources of Our Living Tradition.

For many articles WoS contains the references given by the authors, as well as the citations of that particular article by other authors. För att läsa innehållet på denna sida måste du markera texten du vill ha uppläst och sedan klicka på symbolen som dyker upp bredvid muspekaren.