Protector Forsikring ASA (PSKRF) Nasdaq Listed Nasdaq Data is currently not available Add to Watchlist Add to Portfolio Quotes Summary Live Real-Time Live
Teknisk analys Protector Forsikring (PROT). Investor. Allt du behöver för att komma igång. Planera dina investeringsbeslut. NOK. 399. NOK. 284. / månad.
Protector Forsikring ASA was Protector Forsikring ASA / Rapporten sär släppt / Rapporten är släppt. 2016-07-08 08:32.!/About-Protector/investor-relation. Protector Forsikring ASA / Protectors ägande i Elanders / Protectors om-protector/investor-relations/_attachment/2163?_download=true&_ts= CEO Sverre Bjerkeli is scheduled to present at the Santangel's Investor Forum in New York, November 6th, Oslo, November 5th 2019 Protector Forsikring ASA. Protector Forsikring är ett norskt försäkringsbolag. Protector Forsikring: Presentasjon Santangel's Investor Forum kan også lastes ned fra selskapets hjemmeside Oslo, 5. november 2019 Protector Forsikring ASA. Staffan Salén med familj genom bolag 1, 4 916 975, 28,5%.
The company is highly focused on risk selection and market adaptation. In May 2007, Protector was listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange, reaching a goal that was stated from the beginning. PROTECTOR FORSIKRING ASA AKTIE und aktueller Aktienkurs. Nachrichten zur Aktie Protector Forsikring Asa | A0MSGT | PSKRF | NO0010209331 DN Investor gir deg markedsoversikt og nye spennende verktøy som kan hjelpe deg å få oversikt over finansmarkedene.
It can be a long snippet, a short snippet, whatever you prefer the size of card and description to be.This is the body text of the blog post to give visitors an idea of what the post is about beyond just the title.
Review PSKRF (GREY) dividend yield and history, to decide if PSKRF is the best investment for you.
Protector Forsikring ASA. Senaste nytt om Protector Forsikring aktie. Protector Forsikring komplett bolagsfakta från Protector Forsikring ASA, 5,10%, 5,10%.
Stock analysis for Protector Forsikring ASA (PSKRF:OTC US) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile.
SvD Näringsliv - nyheter inom ekonomi och näringsliv, aktier och börs. Bevakning av internationella affärer och marknader. Motor- och IT-nyheter. MANDATORY NOTIFICATION OF TRADE - PROTECTOR FORSIKRING ASA 16:55 Awilhelmsen Capital Holdings AS has today, 16 February PROTECTOR FORSIKRING ASA, 669 223, 669 223. FÖRSÄKRINGSBOLAGET AVANZA PENSION, 299 077, 299 077. SÖDERQVIST, BO, 230 000, 230 000.
122 följare. Antal jobb. 0 · Följ · Tesco. Om ossAgentregisterSamarbetspartnersCookiesInvestor RelationsFör Skogbrand Forsikring, First Securities ASA and Elcon Securities ASA, among Other on-going principal assignments: Member of the board of Protector Forsikring,
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The Norwegian insurance company Protector Forsikring ASA sends a letter forsikring.
The closest current claimant to the title may be Protector Forsikring, based in …
Protector Forsikring is in a rising trend channel This is the body text of the blog post to give visitors an idea of what the post is about beyond just the title. It can be a long snippet, a short snippet, whatever you prefer the size of card and description to be.This is the body text of the blog post to give visitors an idea of what the post is about beyond just the title. Protector Forsikring ASA has reduced its earnings per share by an average of 88% a year, over the last three years (measured with a line of best fit). It achieved revenue growth of 50% over the
Protector Forsikring ASA is a Norway-based insurance company.
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Protector Forsikring ASA Investor presentation April 2016. Company overview Page 1 1 Introduction and executive summary Protector Forsikring 2015 2014 2013 Avg. 57
It provides general, non-marine insurance and reinsurance to commercial and public sector. The Company’s activities are divided into three areas: Commercial Lines of Business, Public Lines of Business, as well as Change of Ownership Insurance. The Commercial and Public Lines of Get an in-depth profile of Protector Forsikring ASA, including a general overview of the company's business and key management, as well as employee data and location and contact information. Protector Forsikring ASA | 4,208 followers on LinkedIn.
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Investor Relations Global Contacts Protector Forsikring ASA PSKRF Morningstar Rating Rating as of Apr 2, 2021. Quote Stock Protector har en kostnadsprocent på 8.4% och närmaste nordiska peer ligger på 13.7 %. Snittet bland nordiska peers är 17.1 %. Vet inte om det har något att göra med att Protector inte vänder sig alls mot privatpersoner på samma sätt som exempelvis Gjensidige men oavsett måste ju denna skillnad ha förutsättningar att skapa enorma aktieägarvärden över tid. Protector Forsikring ASA | 4.269 følgere på LinkedIn. BUSINESS CONCEPT Protector commenced business January 2004, and has since experienced rapid growth.
Protector Forsikring (PROT) - Teknisk analys - Oslo Börs; Skadereglerare Abandonment - 277 Stena Protector; Protector bforsikring investor relations. NY VD Protector Forsikring — filial av Protector Forsikring ASA Norge
There are 4 companies in the Protector Forsikring ASA corporate family. Shareholders (main share holder) Type Country Shares Share of total; 1: STIFTELSEN MULTICONSULT: COMP: NOR: 5,943,939: 22.0%: 2: PROTECTOR FORSIKRING ASA: COMP: NOR Shareholders would probably be interested to learn that insiders own shares in Protector Forsikring ASA. It has a market capitalization of just øre4.0b, and insiders have øre168m worth of shares Protector Forsikring ASA | 4 258 följare på LinkedIn. BUSINESS CONCEPT Protector commenced business January 2004, and has since experienced rapid growth. The company is highly focused on risk selection and market adaptation. In May 2007, Protector was listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange, reaching a goal that was stated from the beginning. Protector Forsikring ASA | 4 295 følgere på LinkedIn. BUSINESS CONCEPT Protector commenced business January 2004, and has since experienced rapid growth.
Sverre Bjerkeli. Fredrik Messel Jostein Protector forsikring investor relations. Protector Forsikring ASA — Protectors Kombinerade Företagsförsäkring är en paketförsäkring som 1. PROJEKTENGAGEMANG HOLDING I, 4 391 676, 882 426, 21,5 %, 61,8 %, 19 413. 2.