After more than ten years at both IES Enskede and IES Jarfalla, I was privileged to start up become the first Principal of IES Hasselby Strand, which opened in 2011. Between 2016 and 2020 I have spent time both in the United Kingdom experiencing the British educational system, and in Spain as a Principal of one of our IES owned schools.
Uppgifter om Internationella Engelska Skolan Johanneberg Göteborg i Johanneberg Göteborg. Se telefonnummer, adress, hemsida, öppettider mm.
We deliver a safe, calm international educational experience for students in northeastern Skåne. We have students from Åhus to Klippan, and from Tomelilla to Östra Göinge. The school offers bilingual education with a strong focus on discipline and operates from year 4 to year 9. IES Linköping 20210407. Dear Guardians. I’m delighted to be welcoming back our children after what I hope has been a recreative Easter break for them all.
I’m delighted to be welcoming back our children after what I hope has been a recreative Easter break for them all. Rest and recuperation are healthy and important but so are routines and hard work. For me, this is a new and exciting start at IES Linköping. IES now have 37 schools across Sweden and our combined results clearly show that our ethos pays off. IES Uppsala has been awarded an internal IES award for strong grade integrity, meaning that we have a strong correlation between national test results in grade 9 and final grades, something we are very proud off. Welcome from the Principal I hope that you enjoy looking around our website; learning about our academic programs, activities, students and staff. We will update it frequently, and you will get a picture of what’s happening at our school.
During the two training days the staff were fortunate to have a seminar presented by Frisk och Fri, giving tips and advice around diet, but also self confidence and self esteem. Welcome to my school! Well, that's mostly true - deep down this is Barbara Bergström's school - "the one who started it all" back in 1993.
At IES Östersund we believe that it is really important to ask for feedback, to listen to feedback and to take action (when appropriate) on feedback! Over the past few weeks, we have been working with all our students to gather their feedback about teaching and learning at IES Östersund.
As a school, our priority is each child reaching his or her potential by ensuring every student can access learning in the classroom and find challenge when he or she needs it. We will also welcome all 37 IES Pincipals, as well as members from Headquarters, as we are hosting the annual IES principal conference. During the two training days the staff were fortunate to have a seminar presented by Frisk och Fri, giving tips and advice around diet, but also self confidence and self esteem.
We have much to look forward to here at IES Umeå - Winter Sports Day, Prao, National Tests, Choice and Graduation, to name a few. We will also welcome all 37 IES Pincipals, as well as members from Headquarters, as we are hosting the annual IES principal conference.
Internationella Engelska Skolan Johanneberg Grades 7-9 Sick Report: Always report sickness via Schoolsoft or SMS to Mentor as soon as possible Telephone: 031 381 8509 (Reception available via telephone between 08:00-12:30 and 13:30-15:00) Since then I have been the Assistant Principal at IES Johanneberg in Göteborg, with Mr McPherson for the past 3 years. As well as all the daily trials and tribulations of running a school I have been studying on the Principal's course at Gothenburg University. Welcome to IES Östersund! It is a pleasure and a privilege to be the Principal of IES Östersund and be involved from its very beginning! IES schools are very special places. Although each has its own, unique, local personality and atmosphere, they all share the same core values which underpin absolutely everything that happens in the schools.
He is an experienced principal from Gothenburg.
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Som varje år är även sommaren en ganska hektisk tid på en skola, det målas, putsas, möbleras om, funderas över hur vi blir bättre, hur vi gör skolan till en tryggare plats och nya lärare börjar. Welcome to IES Hässleholm.
You can also read my blog for the latest happenings at our School. I would also like to use this opportunity to welcome Mr Douglas McPherson to IES Johanneberg, as the new Principal from August 1st. He is an experienced principal from Gothenburg.
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Uppgifter om Internationella Engelska Skolan Johanneberg Göteborg i Johanneberg Göteborg. Se telefonnummer, adress, hemsida, öppettider mm.
Although each has its own, unique, local personality and atmosphere, they all share the same core values which underpin absolutely everything that happens in the schools. Welcome to IES Alvsjo! At our school, we always strive for excellence whether it is in our lessons, on the football pitch or in our daily interactions.
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Dear all, I want to take this opportunity to warmly welcome you to Internationella Engelska Skolan Enskede, the founding school in IES. A school where students are encouraged, by outstanding staff, to develop and grow in a safe environment.
Even though we have had to do things a bit differently, due to the pandemic, the atmosphere is at its best. I have enjoyed getting to know our new students and to hear that our returning students are happy with how the year has started. Dear all, My name is Jonas Hård and as of March 2, I will be the principal of Internationella Engelska Skolan Upplands Väsby, which opens in August 2020. I’m truly proud to become part of the IES-team and look forward to opening a new bilingual quality school in Upplands Väsby. Welcome to my school! Well, that's mostly true - deep down this is Barbara Bergström's school - "the one who started it all" back in 1993. I have been lucky to work with Mrs Bergström in one capacity or another since I first joined IES as a science teacher back in 2003.
Welcome to IES Östersund! It is a pleasure and a privilege to be the Principal of IES Östersund and be involved from its very beginning! IES schools are very special places. Although each has its own, unique, local personality and atmosphere, they all share the same core values which underpin absolutely everything that happens in the schools.
Please check in often to find out what´s going on in our school community! Let 2019 be a year of development and openness at IES Johanneberg. Let’s encourage growth and build an IES network that we are all proud of…..
Children should learn to command the English language, not just know it, at an early age. Internationella Engelska Skolan Johanneberg Grades 7-9 Sick Report: Always report sickness via Schoolsoft or SMS to Mentor as soon as possible Telephone: 031 381 8509 (Reception available via telephone between 08:00-12:30 and 13:30-15:00) Since then I have been the Assistant Principal at IES Johanneberg in Göteborg, with Mr McPherson for the past 3 years. As well as all the daily trials and tribulations of running a school I have been studying on the Principal's course at Gothenburg University. Dear all, I want to take this opportunity to warmly welcome you to Internationella Engelska Skolan Enskede, the founding school in IES. A school where students are encouraged, by outstanding staff, to develop and grow in a safe environment. We will also welcome all 37 IES Pincipals, as well as members from Headquarters, as we are hosting the annual IES principal conference. During the two training days the staff were fortunate to have a seminar presented by Frisk och Fri, giving tips and advice around diet, but also self confidence and self esteem.